Welcome to Login Autonom!

Greetings! We're delighted to extend an invitation for you to explore career opportunities with us at Login Autonom GmbH.

As a collective of passionate professionals, we are united by our commitment to innovation, excellence, and the development of cutting-edge solutions that address contemporary challenges. 
For over thirty years, we have been at the forefront of the industry, providing comprehensive services to large international corporations. Our expertise spans a range of disciplines, including security technology, production logistics, IT, HR, and legislation, allowing us to offer bespoke solutions that meet the evolving needs of our clients. 

Here's a closer look at the core values that guide our work: 

  • Cheerfulness: We foster a work environment where positivity and a collaborative spirit are paramount, believing that a joyful atmosphere contributes to our collective success. 
  • Innovation: At the heart of our operation is a dedication to creativity and innovation, ensuring we remain at the cutting edge of technology and service. 
  • Value Creation: Our focus is on delivering solutions that not only meet but exceed our clients' expectations, creating significant and measurable impacts. 

Career Opportunities

  • Engage with Purpose: Contribute to projects that inspire and challenge you, making a tangible difference. 
  • Professional Growth: We are committed to your professional development, offering continuous learning opportunities and career advancement. 
  • Impactful Work: Join us in our mission to redefine the landscape of technology, enhancing work environments across the globe. 

We look forward to potentially welcoming you to Login Autonom GmbH, where your career journey can take a significant step forward.

Our Vision: We aspire to be the leading provider of software solutions, revolutionizing employee efficiency and the digital transformation of blue-collar industries for our clients.

Our Mission: In partnership with our clients, we are committed to developing advanced software technologies and digital solutions that surpass conventional expectations. We prioritize sustainability, aiming for operational and commercial resilience with minimal environmental footprint. Our dedication extends to the well-being, growth, and career advancement of our team members, propelling us forward in our journey towards innovation and excellence. 
We invite you to consider joining our team and contributing to the future of technology and human potential. 


Contact us so we can help you find a software solution tailored to your company

Széchenyi 2020